Friday, July 27, 2007

San Diego: More Than Just Pimps and CHUDs

There's...there's so much to say.

Wednesday was preview night and it was a freaking MADHOUSE! So many people. The excitement! The stuff! I couldn't focus on anything! It was impossible for the group to stay together because there was so much stuff to look at! It didn't take too long for us to decide that we had to split up for us to fully enjoy this spectacle.

When we arrived back at the hotel, I crashed hard, and had one of the best sleeps in months.

Thursday was great. I mentally told myself that I had to "slow the fuck down" to enjoy myself. There's no rush. No reason to panic. Remembering this, I had a great time.

Early in the day, I met the two main reasons for being here: Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba, creators of Casanova! I could barely contain myself! I simply blurted out "Casanova is fucking awesome!

To which MF replied: Casanova thinks you're fucking awesome.

Corny, I know. But I got goosebumps. And it was great.

I have barely even scratched the surface here. Had drinks with some Calgary folks last night. Head hurts a bit. Gotta shower and go before Vince yells at me.

Slammed into an air conditioner last night whilst jumping from bed to bed.

Steve's gonna try to upload some pics.

Peace out.


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